The Clarity Catalyst: An 8-Week Transformational Coaching Journey

Feeling stuck? Wanting to explore who you are and connect with meaning and passion? This 8-week series offers a weekly module with small assignments you focus on to connect with your purpose and joy. The end-result? Greater clarity on who you are and structure to achieve your goals.
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About This Product:

Module Duration: 8 weeks

Weekly time commitment: 10-30 minutes video viewing; daily focus and small habit formation.

Join life coach, international professional speaker and entreprenuer, Julie Wilkes as she takes you on an inspirational 8-week journey where you develop a structure for achieving your goals, connect on a deeper level with who you are and what you want for your life.    Julie shares her own wisdom as well as interviews experts in yoga, mindfulness, organization and other key areas to bring a unique series of learnings.

Module Overview: This coaching module is designed to empower individuals to create positive change in their lives by setting meaningful goals, gaining clarity, releasing limiting beliefs, and embracing a new narrative. Through a combination of guided exercises, reflective practices, and personalized coaching, participants will embark on a transformative journey towards living the life they truly desire.

By the end of the 8 weeks, individuals will have gained clarity, set meaningful goals, released old narratives, and be ready to step into the life they want to live with confidence and purpose.  This is an entirely self-paced and independent course.

The modules (which are based on Julie's book, The 7 Life Miracles) include:

  • Embrace your life and live with intention
  • Connect with others and look for your coach
  • Create the life you want to live
  • Empower yourself to find happiness first
  • Choose the path that serves you best
  • Climb over the mountains that get in your way
  • Inspire yourself and someone else every day
  • Love yourself, each other and the world


Program Details

Intro to the 8-Week Clarity Catalyst (formerly 7 Secrets to Success)
Available Now
Kick-off of The Clarity Catalyst
Available Now

Week 1 - Embrace Your Vision
Available Now
Week 2 - Connect in Meaningful Ways
Available Now
Week 3 - Create the Life You Want To Live
Available Now
Week 4 - Get Organized and Get Empowered!
Available Now
Week 5 - Choose the Path that Serves You Best
Available Now
Week 6 - Climb Over the Things That Get in Your Way
Available Now
Week 7 - Inspire Yourself and Someone Else
Available Now
Week 8 - Love.
Available Now

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Julie Wilkes

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Disclosure: Note: This coaching module is designed to provide guidance and support, but individual commitment and active participation are essential for optimal results.